Unique design
Waterproof fabrics with UPF50 + filter and a stroller up to 22 kg!
A new stroller for lovers of design and comfort. A stroller that will be used from birth for the entire period of carting. Thanks to its functionality and durability, it is one purchase and comfort of use, regardless of the child’s age. Maintenance-free, durable wheels. You do not have to change the inner tube, check the pressure, inflate. Durability and no punctures: you go anywhere, regardless of the ground, without puncture of the wheels.
On top of that, it has many other advantages, of course, all detailed below.
+ two-way detachable stroller seat
+ two mosquito nets sewn into the booths
+ comfortable attaching and detaching the carrycot
+ waterproof fabrics with UPF50 + filter
+ handle adjustment
+ detachable headband
+ 3d insert with spacer knit
+ full suspension of all wheels
+ bag with changing mat
+ foot cover
+ a sleeping bag for cold days, a warm muff for hands
+ rain cover for the gondola and the stroller
+shopping basket
+ bag with a changing table
w zestawie
- changing mat
- a cup for drinks
- leather railing
- cover for the gondola
- roomy bag
- two raincovers
- two-sided comfortable insole
- sleeping bag for winter
- hand muff

i obciążenia
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