Table and chair in one
Do you want something more than just a classic feeding chair?
See Candy. It is a feeding chair that you can turn into a chair and a table at any time.
Yes, it is a 2 in 1 product.
In its classic version, this feeding table is a good place to have a meal. It is comfortable for your child and also for you if you help your child to learn this difficult art of independent eating. After mounting, it becomes a comfortable piece of furniture in the child’s room, a wonderful place to play or draw. It is a solution for children who can move independently.
Just think – so many possibilities!
Check if this is the chair you have been looking for!
Zobacz w sklepie online Znajdź dystrybutoraKolory
w zestawie
- Chair
- Table
- Detachable upholstery
- Additional tray
- Colouring book

- Additional detachable tray
- Detachable tray
- Three tray settings
- Footrest
- Three positions of backrest adjustment
- Decorative fruit motif
- Detachable, east to clean upholstery
- Stable design
- 5-point safety harness
- Chair
- Table

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